First log here, I haven’t ran many previous cycle before, just sarms once - combo of ostarine and s4 for 7 weeks with enclomiphene as a base.
Last time I was on cycle - was only 1800 - 2100 calories daily cut down from 83kg - 76.5kg.
I finished up at 6.5% body fat. Starting at 11.8% body fat. (Dexa)
Lifts were:
- deadlift 245kg
- back squat 170kg
- incline bench press - 105kg
- hex bar deadlift - 275kg
- military press - 75kg
- power clean - 120kg
- lat pull down - 120kg x6
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Last time I was on cycle - was only 1800 - 2100 calories daily cut down from 83kg - 76.5kg.
I finished up at 6.5% body fat. Starting at 11.8% body fat. (Dexa)
Lifts were:
- deadlift 245kg
- back squat 170kg
- incline bench press - 105kg
- hex bar deadlift - 275kg
- military press - 75kg
- power clean - 120kg
- lat pull down - 120kg x6
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